Our History
The Lake Ridge Chorus was founded in October 5, 1976 by Director Emeritus, Jean Knight and charted with Sweet Adelines International that same year. The Chorus has performed throughout Northern Ohio, including at more than 30 stage productions, fundraising events, community events, nursing and assisted living facilities and producing an annual holiday show with a regional men's chorus. The Chorus has also sang the National Anthem at sporting events in the area.
During the 1996-1997 season Jean Knight shared directing duties with Glen Gibson, Jean took over directing again in 1998. Retiring from directing in 2005, Jean became the Director Emeritus, and joined the chorus on the risers. What a treat! Jill Spriestersbach came off the risers and directed from 2005-2014. During that time, she led the Chorus to a total of 9 Small Chorus wins at the Sweet Adelines Region 17 Regional Competition held annually in Cleveland, Ohio. This included 2 Third Place medals in the small chorus division, 2 Third Place Overall medals, 4 Fifth Place medals in the small chorus division and 4 Fifth Place Overall medals, As a small chorus competing against choruses of 60 members or more, the chorus was very proud of these accomplishments.
In 2014, David Smotzer took the helm. As an International Men's Quartet Champion in the Barbershop Harmony Society his experience and success, has brought a new focus and energy to the Chorus performances and musical direction.
In 2015, the Chorus entered, for the first time, the Open Division at the Sweet Adelines Region 17 Regional Competition and were thrilled to win the Audience Choice Award. During this time the Chorus added Legacy to their name in honor of their founding sister, Jean Knight. In 2016, the newly named Lake Ridge Legacy Chorus took home the Fifth Place overall medal at competition. In 2017, while growing in size, the chorus took home 3rd Place mid-size Chorus and 3rd Place Overall medals at Regional Competition. Before the 2018 contest in May, the Chorus entered the Liberty Ford Jingle Contest with a video of the chorus singing a custom arranged 4-part harmony version of the Liberty Ford jingle. As First Runner Up winners the Chorus won a $1,000 prize. The Chorus continued there success in May 2018 with another 3rd Place Mid-Size Chorus and 3rd Overall medal and scored the highest points ever for the chorus. Again the chorus is honored to place so highly against choruses of much larger size.
In 2019 the Lake Ridge Legacy Chorus joined Harmony Inc, becoming a member of both organizations. They competed in the Area 4 2019 Contest coming in 2nd, which qualified them for International Competition. In November 2019, Legacy competed at the Harmony Inc International Competition and came in 6th in the world. Legacy returned to Area Contest in June of 2022 and again came in 2nd. They competed at the Harmony Inc 2022 International Contest coming in 10th.
Lake Ridge Legacy prepared to return to Sweet Adelines Region 17 contest on May 13, 2023 in Cleveland. On May 12th, their beloved director tragically passed away leaving the chorus with a decision to forfet the contest or take the stage in his honor. With Beth Miller directing, Legacy took the contest stage and placed 1st in the small chorus division. Beth won the Novice Director Award as well at that contest. A month later, Legacy travelled to Normal, IL to the Harmony Inc Area 4 contest and qualified for the International Stage under the director for Dr. Tom Scott, a long time friend to the chorus. At this contest, they qualified for Harmony Inc International Contest in November of 2023, but decided against attending in order to rebuild the chorus.
In February 2024, Beth Miller offically became the front line director for the chorus. The chorus attended the SAI Region 17 contest that May and won 2nd Place Small Chorus.
The Members of Lake Ridge Legacy Chorus, continue to enjoy the special bond that singing together in the barbershop
style brings, and look forward to many more years of entertaining and competing as they strive to Harmonize the World!
To learn more about the organizations: Sweet Adelines International visit sweetadelines.com
Sweet Adelines International Region 17 visit region17online.org
Harmony Inc. visit harmonyinc.org
Harmony Inc. Area 4 visit area4harmonyinc.org